Cassie is 2 months now she is has started smiling alot , trying to sit up believe it or not, making baby noises, chewing her hands , twisting her hands together our evil genius ! She is a little pig she can't make it more than 3 hours to eat and she takes about 4 oz each time . She is starting to teeth which is crazy Shaylee didn't teeth till 9 months and didn't get a tooth in till 11 months !!! She looks more and more like her big sister everyday! Her 2 month check up isn't till Monday but I am guessing she is 14 lbs and about 24-25 inches.
Shaylee is still adjusting . She's been such a hand full since Cassie was born so stressful . Not sleeping at night till about 11pm or later waking up at 7am for the day refuses to take naps which she still needs ! Doesn't listen to us , constantly wants food , constantly wants her baba ( pacifier ) trying to get her away from that damn thing but she is so attached to it more after Cassie was born , trying to potty train her which she shows ALOT of the signs and she tries to potty she just hasn't gotten it yet. I know it's not her fault her life has changed since Cassie was born we have tried to keep as much the same as always.
It's just a progress for all of us.
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