My Family

My Family

Monday, March 8, 2010

Car seat

In a older post I was talking about my dream car seat ( YES I am a carseat freak !! While other moms want designer clothes and such I want a carseat !! ) .

It looks like it may just be in our reach !!!!!!! I am soooo excited , I talked Steve into letting me get if I find a good deal and save up money to get it . I have been doing paid survey's for about 3 years ( about 4-5 sites ) and have earned points and dollar amounts in the past to where if I request them I can get about $70-$80 all together from them . Then I found a site that new registers can save 10% and then they have carseats 15% off so I can save 25% off of $270 . Also since the girls are on Medicaid they get money each time they visit the doctors they put it on a debt card and I can use that also on By the time I get enough money saved the carseat sale might be over with but I heard that they price match so I can find another sale else where they also do free shipping which is AWESOME !!

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