My Family
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I am so blessed
I was sitting earlier online and came across a blog about a 2 year old that was fighting for her life due to a form of cancer. After reading I was bawling here I was yelling and all at Shaylee yesterday because she was testing her limits and my nerves . I should be lucky and thanking God to have a 3 year old who CAN run around getting into everything, testing limits etc. instead of being so sick that she can't do anything but sleep and be in pain and not knowing if she will be alive the next day. I am soooooooo blessed to have such healthy girls , yes they have little issues but nothing that won't go away in a few months unlike having a disease that can not be cured . Thank you God for blessing us with such healthy beautiful girls and continue to bless us through the years .
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
4 months

Cassie turned 4 months today ( well the 24th in about a hour but I wanted to write while I am thinking about it ) !
She has grown so much in the last few months we don't know her exact measurements till her checkup on the 1st . I also have grown more and more in love with her in just the short time she has been with us . Her personality is slowing showing more and more and it's half her own and half like her sister's ! LOL It's hard to make her laugh but very easy to make smile like it was with Shaylee . We are working on getting her to laugh almost had it one day when I was singing BINGO to her . She is also a fighter when it comes to sleeping she fights it bad when she is tired . She got to use the ExerSaucer the other day and she enjoyed it she has already learned to move a few of the toys and how to turn herself in it . Funny how fast they learn things ! She has rolled over once and that was it !! She gets so close to doing it again . She hates rice cereal !! We have tried it several times and she just doesn't like it so we will wait a few more weeks . Shaylee also didn't like till about 5 months then ate it everyday till about 2 years old! She loves the song Twinkle Star.
I am hoping that somehow we can afford to get a Sunshine Kids Radian 80 SL it RF's to 45lb then harness's FF to 80 lbs !! AWESOME ! Shaylee only only made RF to 18 months because she met the limits (35 lbs) this carseat would have Cassie sit RF longer then when she got to 45 lbs move her to the Graco Nautilus ( Shaylee's seat ) and move Shaylee to the Radian till she is 80 lbs then by then Cassie would be able to move back to the Radian . $270 we have to save somehow .......... It's a MUST though for us because it's about safety for our girls .
She has grown so much in the last few months we don't know her exact measurements till her checkup on the 1st . I also have grown more and more in love with her in just the short time she has been with us . Her personality is slowing showing more and more and it's half her own and half like her sister's ! LOL It's hard to make her laugh but very easy to make smile like it was with Shaylee . We are working on getting her to laugh almost had it one day when I was singing BINGO to her . She is also a fighter when it comes to sleeping she fights it bad when she is tired . She got to use the ExerSaucer the other day and she enjoyed it she has already learned to move a few of the toys and how to turn herself in it . Funny how fast they learn things ! She has rolled over once and that was it !! She gets so close to doing it again . She hates rice cereal !! We have tried it several times and she just doesn't like it so we will wait a few more weeks . Shaylee also didn't like till about 5 months then ate it everyday till about 2 years old! She loves the song Twinkle Star.
I am hoping that somehow we can afford to get a Sunshine Kids Radian 80 SL it RF's to 45lb then harness's FF to 80 lbs !! AWESOME ! Shaylee only only made RF to 18 months because she met the limits (35 lbs) this carseat would have Cassie sit RF longer then when she got to 45 lbs move her to the Graco Nautilus ( Shaylee's seat ) and move Shaylee to the Radian till she is 80 lbs then by then Cassie would be able to move back to the Radian . $270 we have to save somehow .......... It's a MUST though for us because it's about safety for our girls .
Monday, February 22, 2010
My Bucket list
Here's some things I want to do , places I want to go and things I want to have before I die .
I want to go to Disney atleast ONCE in my life.
Stillwater KS where AAR members grew up .
Go to Wilmington NC where Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill is filmed ( 2 of my favorite shows !)
Indiana State Fair atleast ONCE .
Salt Lake City
Stillwater OK
All American Rejects concert
30 Seconds to Mars concert
Sea World
Swim with Dophin's
Get a book published
Own Steve's dream car don't know how to spell it .....
Own one of MY dream cars Chevelle late 60's ?? The kind that Sam and Dean drive in Supernatural .
continued as I come with other things !!
I want to go to Disney atleast ONCE in my life.
Stillwater KS where AAR members grew up .
Go to Wilmington NC where Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill is filmed ( 2 of my favorite shows !)
Indiana State Fair atleast ONCE .
Salt Lake City
Stillwater OK
All American Rejects concert
30 Seconds to Mars concert
Sea World
Swim with Dophin's
Get a book published
Own Steve's dream car don't know how to spell it .....
Own one of MY dream cars Chevelle late 60's ?? The kind that Sam and Dean drive in Supernatural .
continued as I come with other things !!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
More changes in the Maly house !
All for the good !!
Since Steve has been unemployed since August he has been considering going back to school ! he HATES the thought of taking a factory job so he was thinking about heating and cooling. His uncle was in that business for 28 years and LOVED it and made really good money ! Steve was just afraid of how much money we would have to pay out of our pocket since we are on unemployement still but after looking into more we found that it could be close to 100% paid for since he has a wife and 2 young kids. Also about how much time he would be away from us at first but honestly it will be worth it in the long run . We both want more for our girls and this would help us out ALOT . We want to get off of PA as soon as we can . I would have to look for a part time job for the time being and that's fine because we talked about it and once he finished school and started working I could stay home again , we both think it is best for me to be home when we can afford it . We would be able to finally move OUT of the city then as well .
Then another change is Shaylee's school . She has to wait till January 2011 to start preschool because she has to be 4 . Also we found out that she can go to TSC schools like I want her to go to because they are changing where you can put your kids into ANY district AS long as you get them to school and they have room for them !! YAY I HATE LSC they suck TSC is better . So that makes me feel better as well that she can and WILL go to the elementary school I went to !!
Since Steve has been unemployed since August he has been considering going back to school ! he HATES the thought of taking a factory job so he was thinking about heating and cooling. His uncle was in that business for 28 years and LOVED it and made really good money ! Steve was just afraid of how much money we would have to pay out of our pocket since we are on unemployement still but after looking into more we found that it could be close to 100% paid for since he has a wife and 2 young kids. Also about how much time he would be away from us at first but honestly it will be worth it in the long run . We both want more for our girls and this would help us out ALOT . We want to get off of PA as soon as we can . I would have to look for a part time job for the time being and that's fine because we talked about it and once he finished school and started working I could stay home again , we both think it is best for me to be home when we can afford it . We would be able to finally move OUT of the city then as well .
Then another change is Shaylee's school . She has to wait till January 2011 to start preschool because she has to be 4 . Also we found out that she can go to TSC schools like I want her to go to because they are changing where you can put your kids into ANY district AS long as you get them to school and they have room for them !! YAY I HATE LSC they suck TSC is better . So that makes me feel better as well that she can and WILL go to the elementary school I went to !!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Having a day
I don't know every once in awhile I feel like I am unliked and unloved . I feel like I am being ignored by friends and talked bad about . I have Shaylee and Cassie to cuddle on and love because I know they love me . I don't know .......tomorrow is a new day and I will be over this feeling for awhile .
How funny !
We don't go out much with the girls when it's really cold but every once in a while Shaylee will come with me if she good that day . Well one night I ran to McD's and Shaylee with me the radio was on and it was playing Blink 182 All The Small Things Shaylee says " Mama turn it up it sounds good like the Jonas Brothers"
Last night
Last night I had Shaylee on side of me and Cassie on the other both sleeping . I couldn't ask for a sweeter moment that day . With all the changes and stress Shaylee has been going through I know it's not her fault for acting out and being a nightmare . She is the most amazing , sweetest, smartest, beautiful little girl ever even with the small issues she has. Cassie well she is also a amazing ball of beautiful chubby who looks so much like her big sister . I would NEVER trade my girls for the world . I love them so much words can't even describe I was meant to be a mommy and they were meant to be my babies !
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Its Valentines weekend and really we have no "big" plans but yet we haven't had a "big " valentines for years ! It's not that big of a deal to us really , now that we have the girls it's more for them than us anyway !! LOL Another holiday to get them little gifts ! Friday I will be helping Shaylee make homemade Valentines for daddy , grandma, and papaw . Saturday I do know I am getting a much needed hair cut then while Steve stays home with the girls I am going to my parents house to visit and have dinner with my grandma ( GG) since my parents are leaving for the weekend on Friday to go to the Mall of America since my dad has been working alot and he needs to get away and my sister's favorite group will be playing . I am alittle jealous ! Can't wait till we can afford to go on vacation with the girls it will be to St. Louis to the zoo and hte Arch won't be for 3-4 years !Anyway then Sunday stay home . We are going on a family date night for Valentines Monday so it won't be so busy . Should be fun.
Random thoughts of mine for today
I received a Victoria Secrets magazine today and I am looking through it and I am thinking "Is it just me but they have NO cute clothes just cute sleepwear and lingerie and it's so expensive for what it is ! I guess you are paying for the name and also i am sure it 's just because I am fat that I don't find the clothes cute . LOL
Potty on the potty !!
YAY Shaylee peed on the potty again today !!!!!!!! We haven't been pushing her to go , we have just kinda let her tell us when she wants/needs to sit on the potty . We have read alot of the books and have been told alot of ways to train but we think how we are doing it is fine for now . She got a sucker for peeing on the potty and will continue to get a sucker everytime she pees on the potty then when she poopies she will get a surprise then . I am so proud of her !! After a year of trying she is actually going on the potty let's pray she keeps it up and will be fully trained for preschool in August !
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It's been a month .........
She hasn't had her pacifier for a month now and I can't say it has gotten any better . Her attitude SUCKS since we took it away from her cold turkey ( we tried limiting it but she just got hooked on it even more ) she is getting on my last nerve . I love her so much but her attitude towards EVERYTHING and everyone is driving me up the wall . Where did my sweet little girl go ??? I want her back ! I used to think "wow she is really well behaved more than other kids her age " NOT now !
Monday, February 8, 2010
You know you're a parent when ..
You randomly start singing kids songs to yourself !! LOL I have caught myself many times singing Shaylee's current favorite song of the day or week ! This week it's Bingo which also Cassie really thinks is funny she laughs at me when I sing it !! Twinkle Star is Cassie's favorite to fall asleep lately .
Anyone that knows me knows I live for music ! LOVE it ! I like it all but rap . Right now my music of choice is 30 Seconds to Mars I have liked them from their beginning but I am so in love with their newest cd . Jared Leto is such a talented gorgeous soul . I wish he and his band would sick to the US for concerts but they tend to tour other countries more . I might not ever see them in concert but it's still a dream of mine ! Another is All American Rejects they are so awesome very cute group . Taylor Swift is ADORABLE and her music is so real ! I can't forget about my 80's music !! Love 80's music as well. I could go on and on about how music just makes me feel really alive and just awesome , I don't know what I would do without music!
Cassie is rolling !
As of Friday my baby girl who is just 3 months is rolling over !! Watch Joey ( our cat ) Cassie is gonna get ya !! LOL
She peed on the potty !!
Feb. 2 Shaylee went from 5am to 1pm DRY . Around 1:30 after sitting on the potty and drinking juice she peed scared herself because of the sound it made hitting the bottom of the potty and jumped and spilled it all over the carpet !! We didn't care because she went ! So proud ! She was able to get a small gift at Target when I went to go pick up pictures she got a puzzle game which she loves . She has tried so hard to go since then but either can't go while sitting on the potty or so doesn't sit on the potty in time . It is a start atleast !
Too funny and cute !
Steve was getting a booger out of Cassie's nose and asked Shaylee if she wanted it . Shaylee looked at him like she was going to actually take it but then told daddy " No thanks I have my own !" how stinkin cute !
Also she learned the fridge has a light in it that goes on and off when you open and close it ! Good thing we have fridge locks !!! LOL
Also she learned the fridge has a light in it that goes on and off when you open and close it ! Good thing we have fridge locks !!! LOL
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