My Family
Thursday, January 28, 2010
1 st Dentist !
That went well ..... it was a nightmare !! She threw a fit in the waiting room kicking and screaming , she didn't open her mouth for the dentist . He was awesome and didn't force her . As soon as she got home she showed daddy her teeth !!! Going back in 6 months hope that goes better !!!
YAY Shaylee !!
After she turned 3 we decided she HAS to give up her pacifier which she calls it her "baba". She did as good as what I expected. Asked for it all the time , whined , cried , just plain Ms Grumpy McGrump Grump. Each day got better less asking for it only when she got in trouble or tired . We would just get her side tracked which has worked pretty well . She also since not having it has started sucking her fingers. Hoping that won't last long !!
Snow Play !

A few weeks ago we got a really good snow and since Shaylee had never seen that much snow or ever got to play in that much snow we got everything we needed and went to grandma and papaws to play ! How fun ! She LOVED it and didn't want to go inside once she got really cold she didn't care !! Can't wait till both girls can both play in the snow some winter !!!
3 Year Pictures

What a experiance that was !! Steve didn't want to come with me and I needed help with the girls since I wanted Cassie to get a few pictures of her as well since she is now 3 months. My mom and sister came to help ..........well suppose to help but they didn't really help like I thought they would . Shaylee did wonderful till I had to pick the photo's that I liked and wanted I was holding Cassie and mom and Logan were "keeping" an eye on Shaylee . Shaylee got away from them and ran through Target , mom couldn't run after her but Logan could have . No Logan just WALKS after her while yelling after her . YES Shaylee needs to learn to stay with us and listen but Logan should have RAN after her . I was screaming and crying since I couldn't just leave my baby with a stranger while going after my other baby . UGH it was terrible . Luckily she stopped when she got to the foodcourt . God was with us that day for sure . I don't know what I would have done if something would have happened to her !
She's 3 !

Shaylee turned 3 on the 17th of January . Oh how mama cried not sure why 3 hit me so hard but it just did ! I cried thinking of her turning 3 and how much she has grown into the little girl she is and thinking of all the new things she will get to do and such over this year . She will see her little sister start crawling , talking, walking ,etc. She will learn how to swim more this summer , learn to ride a bike better , so many things .
Her birthday was a small party with her favorite people in her world , grandma and papaw ( my parents ) auntie Logan ( my sister ) and GG ( my grandma her great grandma ) . We did a Disney Princess / Tinkerbell theme and it turned out great ! She loved it . She got all kinds of new toys ( like she really needed them after Christmas !!) . Surprisingly she plays with EVERYTHING she got almost daily . She LOVES playing tea party WHILE also playing doctor office !! Have a cup a tea while getting a shot !! LOL . She got a drawing desk, a table and chair set to eat out ( when Cassie gets older they can both eat at it !) , Little People Airplane ( she LOVES planes just like her daddy !) , books ( never have too many of them !) , boy I can't think of all the other gifts she got she got so many ! SPOILED MUCH !!??
We had pizza , salad, chips , and cheesebread for dinner and the best cupcake cake for dessert !
She had so much fun !!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I am sitting here while both girls are sleeping and thinking about this month and want it brings. This month brings all kinds of doctor appointments , dentist appointments , family pictures and most importantly SHAYLEE"S 3RD BIRTHDAY !!
I can't get over how fast the years have gone by ! 3 years already !?? 3 years ago today I was past due with her awaiting her arrival nervous and anxious . I had lost 1 baby before her so she was a complete blessing to us .
She was born at 41 weeks , I had to be induced . She was born January 17th at 2:17am weighing a big 9 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches .
She was very smart from the beginning always ahead of all milestones all but teething and now potty training! I could brag on and on about her and how much I love her but those that know us know that she is smart , polite , beautiful, sweet etc. She is a ball of energy and keeps us on our toes and keeps us smiling and laughing !
It was love at first site ! Our lives changed forever for the good . Our lives revolve around Shaylee ! She was our world and still is !
I can't get over how fast the years have gone by ! 3 years already !?? 3 years ago today I was past due with her awaiting her arrival nervous and anxious . I had lost 1 baby before her so she was a complete blessing to us .
She was born at 41 weeks , I had to be induced . She was born January 17th at 2:17am weighing a big 9 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches .
She was very smart from the beginning always ahead of all milestones all but teething and now potty training! I could brag on and on about her and how much I love her but those that know us know that she is smart , polite , beautiful, sweet etc. She is a ball of energy and keeps us on our toes and keeps us smiling and laughing !
It was love at first site ! Our lives changed forever for the good . Our lives revolve around Shaylee ! She was our world and still is !
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