My Family

My Family

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day in the life day 12


7:40a get up and shower , get girls up and downstairs

8a-8:15 eat breakfast and get girls dressed ( I seriously need to get up eariler most days!)

8:15a-8:20a leave for school

8:35a get to school drop off line

8:50 drop off starts

9a get home

10a-11a get lunch for hubby,youngest and me

11a-1p whatever needs to be done

1p hubby leaves for work. I continue my day till around 3p doing whatever needs to be done.

3p leave to pick up oldest daughter

4p get home feed the kids dinner

6p baths

7p bedtime atleast get in jammies, read book

8p kids should be sleeping by then and I am watching Netflix till 11p my bed time.


are all over the place except I work 7:30a - 10:30a Saturday and Sunday

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