I can NOT wait till Steve goes back to school!!!!!!!! I love him, I love that he is a great daddy but he's with us 24/7 he will not ever leave since losing his job over a year ago. I only get away from him when I have to grocery shop, take Shaylee to school or go over to my parents. That's a few times a week and no more than a few hours. We are just together too much and it's NOT healthy. We need time away from each other more than a few hours a week we are getting on each others last nerves. Also he was doing great the first 8 months of being unemployed he stayed off his stupid WOW game and we did stuff as a family. Yes it was spring and summer time and we could do more. Now he has picked up playing it again since around Oct.?? So now he's not listening to anything I talk about/ask him. He ignores the girls it's just getting old. I like it when he didn't play that stupid dang game!!!!! It's EVIL!! seriously!
He goes in to Ivy Tech to talk to them about going back to school and filing out papers and crap. I think he can start school summer/fall depending on how fast the paper work/grants go through. That means alot of changes and NO MORE WOW GAME!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!
It will be hard to get used to him not being around because he will help around the house some. Shaylee is going to be a wreck when he is gone all day! We can get through it I am sure.