My Family

My Family

Monday, March 29, 2010

Love getting good deals !

Easter is coming fast and with us trying to conserve all the money we do have I look for sales and also go to the dollar aisles and dollar stores . I was able to get Shaylee stuff for her Easter basket under $15. I got two Disney Princess Ballarina dolls for $2.99 ( on sale at Meijer) , a summer outfit for $5 ( Walmart ) , 2 packs of crayolla crayons for $2 ( BOGO at Toys R Us ) , 2 coloring books for $2 ( also at Walmart ) . Tinkerbell wings for $2 at the Dollar Store.
Cassie gets a cute little lovey that she can cuddle and chew on ( hopefully she will stop chewing on the burp rags now ! LOL) .

As much as I LOVE buying new clothes for the girls and taking pictures of them I don't do the Easter dress thing like most other mom's . Really NO point since Shaylee hates clothes when we are home and we are having Easter at our house plus she wouldn't get to wear it again since we nver go anywhere that she needs to wear a dress .

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Days

It's been nice the last few days and we have decided to go out and enjoy the weather . We took a long ride and ended up in Lebanon ( sp?) we ate lunch at the Hardee's in town since Lafayette doesn't have one anymore . It is soooooo much yummier than I remembered !! Both girls did great on the road trip . We came back home and ended up only staying home for an hour before we left again and took another road trip to Delphi and Flora . Scoped out 2 vans that we would love to get by trading in ours . As soon as we can afford to trade ours in we are going to , ours is just getting to the point where we need a newer one . I LOVE my van and can't see driving anything else . Both girls good on that part of the raod trip as well .
Today we also was out pretty much all day as from 11am till 7pm . We went walking on the walking bridge downtown , went to the Goodwill got a few pairs of shorts for Shaylee and a cute summer jumper for Cassie also found the cylo that goes to the Little People Farm we got at that Goodwill 7 months ago !!
Tomorrow Shaylee is staying the day , night and most of Friday with my parents . She needs to get away from us and Cassie and have some one on one time with grandma and papaw . Most likely Steve and I will go grocery shopping ( with Cassie of course !) and also get Shaylee's Easter gifts . Since Easter isnt' a big gift holiday we are just getting Shaylee the 2 Ballerina Disney Princess's she doesn't have ( Cinderella and Bella ) that are on sale at Meijer for only $2.99 ( regular $5.99) , a new thing of crayons ( the girl can't color lightly so she breaks them ALL the time LOL ) and a new coloring book since all her's are almost filled up with colored pages. Cassie still not sure if we are getting anything for her since she has sooooooo many little teethers and really that's all she is into right now is chewing on everything ! LOL
Friday afternoon before I go pick up Shaylee I have a interview at Hobby Lobby after 2-3 months of filling out all kinds of applications so that I can get a part time job so that Steve can go back to school . We talked it over and we decided that until Steve finishes school I should work since unemployment ends in July. I will work nights so I can be home with the girls while he is in classes then in the evenings I will work and he will be home with the girls. I have my pros and cons of going back to work after 4 years but it's for the best for my family .

Saturday, March 20, 2010



Shaylee is such a funny sassy girl !!
i could fill up this blog with every thing funny she says ! The latest is that she looked at Cassie and then me and got all excited and told me that she remembered when Cassie was just a octopus in my belly then I went to the doctors and he took her out of my belly and now she's home with us !! Too funny.

Carseat Safety

I really hate yes HATE seeing parents not caring to do research about carseats and safety . They just go by what the doctors tell them which is usually that they can FF at 1 year and 20 lb. They have changed it BUT if you did the research you would find out that it's safest to RF till the highest weight limit which can be anywhere from 30 lbs to 45 lb. Then harness till the highest weight for that as well which can be from usually 60 lbs -80 lbs . Boosters before the age of 6 is bad . Harnessing as long as you can is sooooooo much better ! They have so many sites about carseat safety just search and carseats that have higher weight limits . Children DESERVE to be as safe as they can be so do NOT go with convince to YOU go with SAFETY ! So many parents go with boosters at a early age because boosters are cheap .

Shaylee was RF until she hit the weight limit for RF and that was 35 lbs she was only 18 months sadly . I was so wanting to have her RF till over the age of 2. Atleast she is harnessed being FF and will be till she is 80 lb .
Cassie will be RF till she is 45 lbs ( we were able to get a car seat that RF's till 45 lbs ) and then FF harnessed till 80 lb .
keeping my girls safe is VERY important to me .
I am HUGE on car seat safety if you want to ask me questions go ahead . has a great carseat safety group I would recommend .

Monday, March 8, 2010

Car seat

In a older post I was talking about my dream car seat ( YES I am a carseat freak !! While other moms want designer clothes and such I want a carseat !! ) .

It looks like it may just be in our reach !!!!!!! I am soooo excited , I talked Steve into letting me get if I find a good deal and save up money to get it . I have been doing paid survey's for about 3 years ( about 4-5 sites ) and have earned points and dollar amounts in the past to where if I request them I can get about $70-$80 all together from them . Then I found a site that new registers can save 10% and then they have carseats 15% off so I can save 25% off of $270 . Also since the girls are on Medicaid they get money each time they visit the doctors they put it on a debt card and I can use that also on By the time I get enough money saved the carseat sale might be over with but I heard that they price match so I can find another sale else where they also do free shipping which is AWESOME !!

Back to School

Steve since being unemployed since August he really started thinking about going back to school around December . He knows he has to think about the girls and what's best . He decided to go back to school for HVAC its something that he would want to do even if it meant longer hours and such at first because it will give us the back the lifestyle we were once used to ( not that it was a very high end lifestyle but it was a comfortable lifestyle of not having to worry so much when we needed to buy something and such ) . He is filing tomorrow then waiting to hear when he can do his aptitude test for it . School starts in May for it . We will figure it out we always do . We have unemployment till July , we have foodstamps and WIC . I am looking for a part time job that I can work while he's in school so we can have some sort of income coming in . It sucks because in the last month I have filled out about 10-15 applications and NO call backs at all . I even filled out some for full time as long as one of us is with the girls it's fine. Things will always work itself out , God won't give you more than you can handle ( LOL Misty was just talking about this) . Prayers to our family , prayers to the Getencord family .

Today was a day

After being spoiled yesterday today was physically and emotionally draining . Yesterday was a WONDERFULLY great no problem day for Shaylee . She threw NO fits , NO tantrums , kept her clothes on ALL day , she was just awesome all day !!! I think had to do with her sleeping in till almost noon since she never gets enough sleep and I think that extra sleep she got was what made her such a good girl . We have to really work on her either taking naps during the day OR if no naps going to bed early.
Today has been NOTHING but fits, tantrums and everything you can imagine. We had a appointment this afternoon and I had planned on after taking her to St. Lawrence to see grandma ( my mom ) since we haven't bee for awhile and all the teachers want to see her . We got up and she did good got dressed no biggie then once she learned we were going to the bank and the appointment before going to see grandma she threw a fit , screaming and kicking just terrible. She settled down and was good in the waiting room then when we got in the actual doctors room she kept turning on and off the light won't listen to me then threw a fit while leaving THREW herself on the ground in the middle of the parking lot SCREAMING I had to practically drag her to the van and into the van it was embarrassing to say the least . No way was I going to take her to see grandma as a "reward " . We got home and she didn't get any better . She wouldn't let me do anything she wanted me to hold her ( ever since Cassie was born she has been super clingy to me ) to where I couldn't get ANY cleaning done with her around . Steve was trying to file for school so he couldn't keep her entertained . Cassie was grumpy and couldn't sleep without being held . She did actually eat her dinner without too much problems . Cassie was having some blankie time on the floor and Shaylee kept on running around Cassie and swinging toys above her . I feared Cassie's life because of Shaylee doing that since she wouldn't stop I finally had to spank Shaylee ( the only way sometimes to get anything through to her ) . Now we are upstairs TRYING to calm down for the night and hoping that she goes to sleep before 11p so I can have some tv time since I can't watch any of my shows with her around !! LOL I usually end up going to sleep with her since she won't sleep till 11pm ! Would be nice to have a quiet few hours before MY bedtime !!
Hoping tomorrow is a better day !

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Such a inspiration

i love reading other blogs i hear about . I came across one Enjoying the Small Things she is a mom of 2 and also a photographer. Her writing is passionate and her photo's are beautiful . I want to learn to be a better picture taker because of her I want to write more passionate because of her . After having Cassie i realized that kids grow so very fast before you even get a chance to blink they are 3 then they are 6 going into school then 13 then 16 an then 18 getting married , having kids , having their own lives . I want to take as many pictures of the girls as I can even if they are silly I want them to look at years from now . I can't even put into words how much I love being a mama even on those sleepless nights and stressful days . i wouldn't trade my girls , my life for the world because to me my girls are my world !!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shaylee is so funny

Steve told Shaylee she had to pee a total of 5 times ( 3 times so far ) and no throwing fits over silly stuff before she can use her piggy pank ( bank ) to get the Disney's Car Carwash she wants . She went pee on the potty then looked at daddy and told him " I guess I missed my chance today because I don't want to pee again on the potty today !" LOL how funny is that !!!

Then eariler today she made me put a pony tail and a pebbles in her hair I got finished and I said look at that cutie she looked and said " No not cutie I'm GORGEOUS !" LOL

Monday, March 1, 2010


After today I thought I would put the girls stats side by side ( even though they each have a baby book with thier stats in it )

Shaylee ......................Cassie

Birth ...........................Birth
9 lbs 11 oz ...................10 lb 8 oz
21 inches ....................22 1/2 inches

2 weeks.......................2 weeks
10 lb 6 oz.................... 10 lb 5 oz
22 inches ....................22 1/2 in

1 month.................... 1 month
11 lb 12 oz ...............12 lb 4 oz
23 inches ................23 inches

2 month ......................2 months -WOW 2 months they were almost
14 lbs .............................14 lb 8 oz...... exact !!!!!!!
24 3/4 inches ...............24 inches

4 months .....................4 months
19 lbs ............................18 lb 3 oz
27 inches ......................25 3/4 inches

6 month
22 lb
29 in

9 month
26 lb 3 oz
29 3/4 inches

12 months
29 lb 6 oz
33 in

15 months
31 lb 11 oz
34 in

24 months
39 lb
37 3/4 inches

4 months checkup

My Cassi E Roll is now 18 lbs 3 oz and 25 1/4 inches !! She is perfect as always !! LOL She did great but got grumpy after her shots .